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Articles in Category: Blogs

A day in the life of an editor

"It’s a real privilege to work closely with talented writers on their books, feeding back ideas and suggestions on how to shape the manuscript into the best it can be."

Katie Seaman, winner of the 2018 LBF Trailblazer Award, gives us the inside story of an editor's working life.

Reflections on the publishing industry today

Abiola Bello, a Trailblazer winner in 2018, shares her current view of things

"The Trailblazer Award is important because it shows the industry that young people are very aware of the industry and are taking steps to change it for the better."

Introduction to Editorial Skills - a delegate's viewpoint

Early in her career in publishing Lana participated in the two-day Introduction to Editorial Skills

"Working in publishing we become so accustomed to the way that our company copy-edits and proofreads that we forget the skills that are universally implemented, and this course reminds us of these universal techniques.”

What being a commissioning editor involves

Phoebe Morgan, a 2018 Trailblazer Award winner, shares her take on being an editor.

I feel very lucky to do what I love – it’s so much fun getting to read for a living and bringing new books into readers’ hands. I’m very proud of the Avon list and know how hard the whole team works to get a book onto the shelves (or virtual shelves) – there’s an awful lot that goes on behind the scenes and I find it a really fascinating process.

Why take PTC's Basic Proofreading course?

Lisa de Caux, a recent graduate, shares her thoughts

Changing career can be an unnerving prospect. How can you help reduce the trepidation? For me, market-leading training was absolutely critical.

Negotiating for a win-win outcome

Valerie Fawcett shares her thoughts about this key skill

Negotiating is something we have to do all the time if we are to get the job done and maintain good relationships.

Train for a career change with Progress in Editorial Skills

In some ways, the life of a civil servant is similar to being a copy-editor and proofreader rolled into one

Having participated in the PTC course Introduction to Editorial Skills, this delegate experienced Progress in Editorial Skills just six months later.

How to untangle the complexities of copyright law in publishing

Laura Craddock reflects on PTCs course on copyright.

Copyright has always been one of those topics that left me feeling daunted...So, when the opportunity came up to attend the one-day ‘Copyright - How to Get What you Need in the Digital Age’, I was happy to take it.

A Light in the Dark . . .

Holly Tonks, Commissioning Editor of Children’s Books at Tate Publishing, reflects on how children's literature fits into our world

Is it me, or does the world feel slightly out of control at the moment? On a daily basis we are inundated with articles about Brexit, maniacal world leaders, war-torn lands and sinking public services. Sometimes, I feel a bit useless and unable to make any substantial contribution . . . I mean I’m a Commissioning Editor for children’s books. What could I possibly do?

The Kim Scott Walwyn Prize 2017

Atop Carmelite House on London’s Victoria embankment, some of publishing’s best and brightest gathered in Hachette’s rooftop café and garden yesterday evening to hear the announcement of this year’s Kim Scott Walwyn Prize winner.